Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today we will finish Project One. As you know, I have gone back to school this year to study education and possibly get my doctorate. As part of this process I will be videotaping some of my classes and some administrators will be in to watch me over the next few days.

I am available for extra help every day after school, but Thursday is the best day when I can stay from 2:10-3:00. If you are behind, remember that you can access the work from home or another computer in school.


1. Confirm that the movie page is completed. Have a partner proofread the code.

2. Open an MS Word document (save in class projects: moviebias).

3. Answer the following two questions after reviewing the article on gender bias and usability. Remember, organize your thoughts and check your spelling, etc...

Does your movie page show gender bias? Give three examples from your page to support your argument.

Is your webpage geared towards adults, teenagers, or kids? Give three examples from your page to support your argument.

4. Print the MS Word Document. Print the CODE for your page. Staple them together and put in your periods slot on my desk.