Monday I am at the CECA Technology Conference. My expectation is that you will have the bulk of the reading/outlining/creating done for the chapter when I return on Tuesday. that will require very focussed work. Yes, my expectations are high.
Some notes about the survey. 96% of you are comfortable with making and editing a page. Thats pretty good news. You seem to overwhelmingly favor the Web Olympics so I will try to incorporate more group work.
1. Which project was the best project?
Textbook Work 12%
Web Olympics 74%
Learn it Online 14%
2. Are you comfortable learning the topics addressed in class?
Very comfortable 14%
Pretty comfortable 66%
Kind of comfortable17%
Not at all 3%
3. Do you feel comfortable adding links and images to your web pages?
Very comfortable 29%
Pretty comfortable 35%
Kind of comfortable 33%
Not at all 3%
4. I know the Seymour High School mission statement.
Yes 33%
No 67%
5. Do you feel comfortable creating and editing a basic web page?
Very comfortable 31%
Pretty comfortable 56%
Kind of comfortable 9%
Not at all 4%
6. The Mets...
Too bad they lost. 59%
Glad they lost. 35%
Who are the Mets? 27%