Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wikipedia--Round #2

OK, the issue with wikipedia accounts seems to be working now.  You all should have made an account.

Step 1: Log in.

Step 2: Complete the Training for Students.

Step 3: Edit the Seymour High School Page.  Notice an edit made yesterday by a student in our class was rejected.  Learn the procedure.

Step 4: Edit pages that you find interesting.   Or search for the many pages where Wikipedia editors ask for help in editing.

Why learn wikipedia:

  • You should understand how this encyclopedia is edited.
  • It is a good application of a code.
  • It is a way for me to assess if you can read directions and apply concepts in a real world example.
I will assess by going to your wikipedia page.  It shows the edits you made.

In addition:
1. Complete and log a Google A Day.
2. Check your blog for comments and clustrmap red dots.
3. Check Google+

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