Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1. Today students will explore Scratch, the programming language from the people at M.I.T. This program is designed to teach some basic programming functions. With this program you can do some basic behavior and game functions and produce some cool things. It looks a lot like the Hopscotch game we have been playing.

Click "Try it" to play.

Explore the website.

Can you make your own game?

Show me something that you create.

2. Please ensure you are caught up on your blogs and coding (600pts).

3. What do you think about Google's Car?  Please write a descriptive blog post about the new car.  Be sure to include an image or video.

4. Did you create a resume?  Post it to your blog if you did (not required).

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday Work

1. HTML review.  We will do this together.  This will be turned in today for a grade.
2.  Play around with,  and . I give you the option to create an account and explore this software.  There is a free account option that asks for your email address.  This is an optional assignment.  I've done this with previous classes and they have loved using it.
  • Rate the usability of one of the geneology sites.
3. Check your comments and red dots on your blog.  Any progress?
  • What if you got 1 point for each red dot and needed to get to 100pts to pass.  How would your blog strategy change? 
4. Create an online resume using Vizualize.MeGoogle SitesRe.Vu or Weebly.  Which site works best for your needs? Check out some of these resumes:
  • Should you have a traditional resume and an infographic website?  
5. Coding is getting a lot of press lately.  You have spent a good part of this class learning some basic coding.  We know most of the innovation that is happening the world requires coding knowledge.  
  • Should coding be a required course?  Should it be a math credit or science credit?
Answer one of the above blog reflective questions based on what you do today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Red Dots


1. If you get red dots from ten different countries you will not have to take your final exam.  How can you improve the reach of your blog?

2. Utilize an online/free animator like PowToon to add a video to any of your websites.  If PowToon doesn't work search for another option.

3. Play with  This is a bit easy, but it will help with coding logic.  Can you solve all the problems?

4. Take the typing test .

  • Put your score in your blog (be honest!) and see if it improves later.
  • Don't say "I took a typing test". Say "I took a typing test". Demonstrate that you know how to code a link.
  • Compare to scores from previous tests.
5. Can you create a musical instrument using the Makey Makey?

6. Can you code Hopscotch on the iPad so the character draws a circle?  A stick figure?

In addition:
1. Ensure all tests are completed.
2. 600pts in Code Avengers.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday Work

Hacking basically means to create something new.  Often it takes a negative connotation--"He hacked into the computer files"--but it in schools we are seeing more and more students hack solutions.  The Makey Makey is a product of hacking.

I enjoy following Music Hack Day.

Today we will practice our HTML skills while we look at Johnny Lee.

Johnny Lee wowed the TED crowd when he showed how he can use a Wii Remote to make a cheap interactive Whiteboard. Please create a website that does the following:
  • Embed the TED video (How do you embed a video?) 
  • Create a table that lists the parts needed and their approximate cost. (Can we format the table so TH and TD are used effectively?  Should there be a border?)
  • Links to more information. Use google to search effectively. (How will you display this information? A list?  A paragraph?)
  • A basic description of how it is done.  (Be sure your website explains the process.  Can you write an effective description?)
Show me when done.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Friday Activities

1. I will distribute grade sheets.

2. Students who are done with all work will do the following.  I am encouraging you to use Google to search for ideas.  If you figure something out use your blog to document so other people can use YOU as a resource.  First bullet point is easiest, progressing to harder:

  • Use the Hopscotch App on iPad to:
    • Can you have character draw a square?
    • Can you have character draw a loop/circle?
    • How about your signature?  Or a stick figure person?  These are a series of loops and lines.  Can you program it?
  • Use the Makey Makey to:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday Work

Both tests should be completed at this point.

Today you should practice making effective blog posts by reading and writing about the two articles.  Please format the blog posts using modern tools and design.

In addition I would like you to work on your coding.


1. You must do todays Google A Day and record your answer.

2. Please complete 600 pts on Code Avengers.

3. Please read the debate on the NYTimes about coding.  Each entry is only a few paragraphs.  Please write a blog post that answers the following:

--Should coding be taught in schools?  
--At what age?

Provide evidence and links from the article.  Be sure to post to the Google+ class community.

4. Can you answer the question "Should a Robot Sacrifice Your Life to Save Two?".  Please debate this in a blog post and post to Google+.  You must comment on at least five classmates blogs with comments that extend the conversation.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


There are two test grades out there right now:

1. Snow Fall.  Some of you completed this, but I asked you to resubmit it.  Please make any needed corrections.  I am testing your reading of content and your ability to create a modern blog post.

2. Favorites.  Some of you clearly needed more time on this.  Some of you, however, did not work on it at all.  Please be sure to complete today.

Both assignments must be submitted, and correct, by the end of class.

In addition:

1. You must do todays Google A Day and record your answer.

2. Please complete 600 pts on Code Avengers.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

HTML Tables

Spend some time reading and practicing creating tables in HTML.  Its not that hard, but it requires a precise order of codes.  Pay attention.

Know the difference between TD, TR, TH.


Create an HTML website that will demonstrate some HTML skills.

1. This assignment is called "Favorites". Create a folder in your HTML folder.

2. Create a four page HTML website. Save the four pages as home, foods, music, school. (Do you know how to create pages in notepad and save them in a folder?  Be sure to create them with the first 8 tags that are in every HTML page)

3. On the home page include an MSPaint image of you that you create and include links to the other pages. This is your landing page. (Can you save the picture in the right spot so it can be embedded in your webpage?)

4. Foods (Can you find a CC image and search for effective information?):

  • List your three favorite foods using an An ordered list.
  • Include an image from a creative commons search on flickr. Notice the difference when you click "interesting" vs. "relevant"
  • Include a link to a recipe of your favorite food.

5. Music (Can you make this page visually interesting and consistent with the other three pages?):

6. Schedule (Can you code a table?  Can you code it so the display makes sense?):
  • Include your schedule using a table.
  • Use an underline code somewhere.
  • Make the table border blue.

7. Layout/Other (Does your site look modern and effective?)
  • Be sure to link all pages together.
  • Include links where there should be links.
  • All pages should look uniform and connected.
  • White background color.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Snow Fall

Today we will read the Snow Fall.  Everyone is talking about this piece in the NY Times.  It won a Pulitzer Prize which is a top award for newspapers.  It is an amazing blend of video, text, graphics, and audio.  You should read it with your headphones on.

That's right, a newspaper piece you read with your headphones on.

This is a "long read".  Take the time.  It is worth it.  I realize that some of you are slower readers and this might end up being homework. 

Your test grade is a blog entry.  We have not had a test yet this marking period.  Your question: "How will writing change in the digital age?".  Be sure to reference this Snow Fall text.

We have talked a lot about this and there are other sources that you could cite.

Please think about your answer.  Plan it out.  Include links.  Use paragraphs.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Friday Work

Before we start:

You will complete the typing test. We did this before.  

  • Put your score in your blog (be honest!) and see if it improves later. 
  • Don't say "I took a typing test". Say "I took a typing test". Compare your score to January.
  • Demonstrate that you know how to code a link.
The rest of the period will be a catch up period for many of you.  I will pass out grade sheets.  Please complete all work and show me so I can adjust grades.

I encourage those who are done to review the links provided in the last few classes.

Edline codes:

AB: Absent 
IN: Incomplete
NA: Not attempted or submitted
CT: Cut class
**: Not graded yet