Create/name a folder. Call it first initial last name flash (bschneiderFlash)
- Set up a basic HTML page. Name it "home". Title it "Awesome Flash Animations".
- Be sure all your items are in the same folder.
- Embed a shiny headline into the webpage. When you create the movie be sure the canvas is the correct size (long and thin)
- Center it
- Use the <embed src="shiny text.swf" align=center> command to embed the movie title. Note that you are embedding the Movie, not the Flash file.
- Create two Flash Animations
- Stick Figure I give you direction for this.
- Flowers I don't give you directions for this. Solve the puzzle!
- Put the two animations in a 1 row table. You may need to play with the height/width of the movies.
- <Table align="center" border="1">
- <TR>
- <TD><embed src="stick.swf"></TD>
- <TD><embed src="flower.swf"></TD>
- </TR>
All of the tutorials (text, stick, flower) I encourage you to be creative. Feel free to stick to the script, but once you "get it" I would like to see you take it to the next level.
Copy your folder to the UDrive.
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