Thursday, June 12, 2008

Final Exams

Web 4 Exam concludes today.

Web 1 Exam

Web 2 Exam:

You are the editor of the Missouri Times. It is November 7, 1860. Your state is the only state that the Northern Democrats won. Your state has played a strong role in the slavery debate through the Missouri compromise and that information is important to your readers (and is perhaps why they voted for Douglas).
Prepare a breaking news website that reflects the results of the election.

You are the editor of the Capulet Times. You have just heard that Tybalt may have died in a big fight and Romeo is missing. Where is Juliet? Your newspaper is owned by the Capulet family.
Prepare a breaking news website that reflects this news.

You are the webmaster for the Madrid Times. It is July 2, 1898. You have to be as objective as possible, but you know the King of Spain reads your paper and has huge influence.
Prepare a breaking news website that reflects the events of July 1.

You are the editor for the Chicago Tribune. It is August 27, 1968 and the Democratic Convention is experiencing more and more protests. Many of your reporters sympathize with the protesters and you support the free speech of the protesters. However, many of your readers think the police are correct to “restore order”.
Prepare a breaking news website that reports the growing protests at the convention.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Web 1 exam is released. Your vocabulary section will be posted during the exam period.

Web 2 exam has begun. I will post your "Breaking News" during the exam period.

Web 4 exam will finish today for many of you. Be sure it is saved to the Udrive.

Students may attend a different class period (except Per1) for their exam as long as I have an available computer.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Finishing Up

Web 1 should be closing grades and studying for their vocabulary part of the exam. I will release the exam on Tuesday. The vocabulary part of the exam must be taken during the exam period.

Web 2 will be closing grades this week. I will release the exam on Monday.

Web 4 will begin their exam today.

Students may attend a different class period (except Per1) for their exam as long as I have an available computer.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Today I expect to leave after 6th period for the track state championship, rain permitting.

Today will be a grade catch-up day for everyone.

1. Finish current project (blog evaluations or counting assignment).
2. Check grades.
3. Finish work.
4. Clean up WDrive. Keep assignments. Delete junk or duplicate files. Organize folders.

If you have extra time watch a TED talk or read the NYTimes about yesterday's historic events.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Technology Fair Winners

The winners are:

Memorial Day Graphics Contest:
1st: Clariza Saldi
2nd: Maryann MacFadden
3rd: Henry Tse
Honorable Mention: Karren Saldi
Honorable Mention: Krysta Molfese

Zero Impact House Design Contest:
“Can you build me a zero-impact house?”
1st: Dustin Zrelak
2nd: Danielle Deluca
3rd: Austen Roman

Breast Cancer Awareness Design Contest:
“How can young women fight breast cancer?”
1st: Laura Pisano
2nd: Brittany Brassell
3rd: Lauren Almonte
Honorable Mention: Dustin Ingalls

Lincoln Re-election Design Contest:
“Design Lincoln’s 1864 campaign website using 2008 technology”
1st: Maryann MacFadden
2nd: Brian Colwell
3rd: CJ Ringenback
Honorable Mention: Devin Zawadski

Tech Fair

The Technology Fair is tonight at SHS from 5-7pm. I would love it if some of you came to demonstrate what we do (extra credit). Let me know if you can do it (please do!).

I will post the winners of the three contests tonight.

I will be working today on grading projects and preparing for the fair tonight. Please give me a chance to do that (shh!).

Web4: The thinkquest winners have been posted. They are very impressive. I received the feedback from the judges and will return that to you today.

Today in class:

Web 2 and Web 4:
Work on the evaluation of the project. We spent four weeks on this project so be sure to take time to reflect properly on your work. If you do this right it should take you two days.

Web 1:
Prepare a website that would teach a toddler how to count to ten. This will be challenging. How will you approach this problem? What tools will you use (Flash, Fireworks, Voki, Scratch, Audacity, Moviemaker)?

  • How do toddlers learn best? Can they use the mouse?
  • What colors do they like?
  • How will you recognize different learners and diversity?
  • How will you incorporate sound (hint: you have to have sound!)?

Have some fun with this. This is your final assignment before we start our final exam. I am looking for clean code that works!!