Friday, March 30, 2012

Flash is dead, but....

Flash is kind of dead.  Adobe just pretty much killed it.  But, we have the software and I think it will be an excellent way to introduce you to animation.  We will explore several tools.

Save your Flash documents in the WDrive (make a Flash folder).  Save them in two formats.  First save the Flash document as an .fla file.  Then save the Flash Movie as a .swf file.  Then you will have two files for each project.  You can edit the .fla file.  You watch the .swf file.
Flash is probably new to most of you.  GO SLOW.  Skipping a step will cause your project to crash.  Coding is about being patient, paying attention to details, and seeing the big picture.

Please complete the following tutorials at a minimum on Monday:
Students who have those completed should work on:
If you get excited please start more tutorials (see link on right).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

TED Talks and Writing Effectively

I am on a field trip to WCSU today to rehearse iAlchemy.  I am eager to see what you write about these subjects.  There is plenty to write about! This is your first grade of the fourth marking period.  Write well!

Today's objective is to write three blog posts about these TED talks.  I would like to see that you can:

You must write about THREE of the videos.  This should take you just about exactly 85 minutes.

1. Keith Barry.  This will blow your mind.  How is brain magic different than regular magic?

2. David Blaine.  Is he crazy, or determined?

3. Robert Lang and his origami.  Why has origami changed?

4. Bryan Stevenson and injustice.  Reflect on the connection between this talk and the Trayvon Martin case.

And a few extras if you have time:

Rives 1, Rives 2  This guy is a great storyteller.

If anything does not work or is blocked please use google to search for the video.  Make it happen.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I will be catching up on grades today as I close grades for 1st marking period.  I will pass out grade sheets.

If you notice errors, let me know.  If you notice anything missing please submit to "MISSING WORK" folder in the UDrive-WebSchneider.

Many of you have lots of missing work.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good job

halloweensnow I was about to give Caitlin a zero for manipulating her Fireworks image. I thought "she just took a picture and didn't change it". Then I read her blog. Cool.

Check out some of our images (I'll add more).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

HTML and Fireworks Exam

Here is your marking period exam.  This is worth 20% of your grade and is due by the end of class.

Please prepare an HTML website using notepad about the October Snowfall.  I am looking to see that you can use your new Fireworks talents to enhance your website.  The site should include:
1. Create a website using HTML that demonstrates the following:
  • That you can use proper HTML codes.  
  • You can create links that work, are effective, and efficient.
  • You demonstrate attention to those with vision issues by including alt text for all images.
  • A modern, usable design.
2. You must include a table or other device that shows how this snowfall ranks all-time. Cite where you obtain your data.
3. You must include an image or animation that has been manipulated using Fireworks. This image must be obtained using Creative Commons (Flickr,wikicommons, etc...). You may create the image yourself if you choose.  Save the link, you'll need it later.
4. A summary paragraph.  You must include at least one link to valuable information about the storm.
5. Your audience is 5th graders in Seymour.
6. Your website must be free of bias and be highly usable.

How to save your project:
1. Rename your folder in the WDrive. Name it first initial-last name-test (bschneidertest).
2. Copy folder.
3. Find class folder in UDrive. (Udrive-WebSchneider-Class-TEST)
4. Paste folder into UDrive.
5. HAVE NEIGHBOUR TEST WORK TO MAKE SURE EVERYTHING WORKS!! Format the links correctly! Remember, just use the file name (don't add w;drive in code....).

6. Saving correctly is one of our standards.  I will not grade your test if I can't find it!

Blog Post:
1. Where did you get the image?  Include link.  If you created it yourself then please state that.
2. What aspects of coding or image manipulation have you gotten better at?
3. How did you manipulate your image in Fireworks?
4. What do you need to improve on?

Website 80%, Blog Reflection 20%


You have two things due.  Test and Blog post about test.  The bell is your deadline.  Do GREAT work.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I am in Manchester to today visiting their high school.  Please ensure your FINAL copies of your folders are saved correctly to the UDrive.

Please complete the following activities today.  Each activity has a corresponding blog question that should be answered in separate blog posts.  If you do not finish in class then you have homework.

You MUST include link to the topic in your blog entry.  It should be formatted correctly! If needed then a video should be embedded to your blog.  Create blog entries that people will want to read.  Tell a story!

I will try to approve your blogs during the day, but I'm not sure I will be able to check.

Answer 5 of the 6 questions.

1. Draw A Stickman.  Do the new story (you did the first one in January).  Why does this work?  How does it keep you on the page?

2. Read this: Facebook/Twitter Shoulder-surfing.  Are you prepared to have a college interviewer have you log in to your Twitter or Facebook page?  What you write on the internet or text is there for ever.  Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is public.

3. Watch this video about green men.  Would you do that?

4. Watch this video about an escalator.  Do you know people who are like that?  Someone who just will not walk up the escalator?

5. Should students wear pajamas and slippers to school?  Are they sloppy/lazy or are they just being comfortable?  Take a side.  Where is NOT ok to wear pajamas and slippers?

6. Do teens who text 100's of times per day have a need for attention?  Or do they have a lot to say and people are listening?  Take a side.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I think your blogs are active.  Finally.

Please update them today with some of your prior work including your analysis letter to Mrs. Goodrich, your accessibility and usability questions, TED and games questions and anything else that you can find.  Double check spelling, spacing, links, etc...

I expect much of the project to finish today.  Do not turn in a new folder yet, we will do that next week.  If you want to have me check something then let me know.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I wonder why people feel its OK to be mean. Take a moment and reflect how you talk about other people.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Fireworks Projects

We will be doing fireworks projects for a few weeks.  Of course you could use any image manipulation software but we happen to have fireworks on our machines.

I've taken ideas from past projects and from my colleagues to develop this.  I've tried hard to find projects that are fun and that you can be creative.

Create a new folder and name it (first initial, last name, project).  bschneiderfireworksproject

Major Options (do at least 2):

  • Design the front and back of a postcard that might be sent from the location of a work of fiction. Both sides of the cards must be created as graphics.
    • The front should use graphic design elements that provide a sense of place or use the classic motifs of old postcards (“Greetings from ______”)_, both pictures and text. The back of the post card should contain a stamp and postmark that fits with the theme of work, as well as an addressee and a message that fits the plot as well.
    • How big is a postcard?  What would the stamp look like? Were they different sizes in the era of your fiction book?
    • Be sure to author the postcard as if you are the character.  Use their style of writing.
    • This is TWO canvasses (front and back) and TWO separate files (bschneiderpostcard1, bschneiderpostcard2)
  • Design the cover of your autobiography. What pictures or graphics would you include? What would you title it? Make sure it really shows off who you are and what you want your audience to see in you by the cover.
    • How big are book covers?  What is on a book cover?
    • You can use my camera to take pictures.
  • Create a minimalist poster of any work of fiction, fable, or allegory.  Example 1. Example 2.  I don't want to show you too many examples as it can ruin your ideas. 
Minor Tasks (do all):
  • Take this picture of Molly.  Change her outfit so its the same color as the girl in front of her.
  • Change the H to an S.
  • Change STOP to GO.  Make it green.
  • Use a text tool to make your name super cool.
  • Put President Obama in a crowd at a Yankee Game.

Saturday, March 03, 2012


Thursday, March 01, 2012

Fireworks Continued

Today we will continue the Fireworks Tutorials.  This is sandbox time.  Please complete 8 tutorials today and have the completed products in your Fireworks folder.  Now, some of these might not work perfectly as the software has changed.  If somethings not working, please substitute another tutorial.  Take your time and FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.

Some of these will be blocked.....
1. List of tutorials (choose one or all)
2. Another list (choose one or all)

3. More tutorials (have fun!)
You should have 13 examples of images tutorials by the end of class today.  This will be the end of sandbox time, we will start our projects on Tuesday.
In addition, I believe our blogs are opened.  I would like you to take some of your saved work (usability questions, web analysis letter to Mrs. Goodrich, etc...) and put that content on your blog.    This will involve some copy and paste.  Be sure to work on your links and include interesting titles.
Plenty to do today.  There should be no down time.